Clark County Rois (0)
Henderson Rois (1)
Hard Rural Neighborhood Preservation (3)
Historic Neighborhood Overlay District (4)
ROW Overlay (5)
Las Vegas Zoning (6)
| U - (GPA Designation) Undeveloped |
| R-A - Ranch Acres |
| R-E - Residence Estates |
| R-D - Single Family Residential-Restricted |
| R-PD - Residential Planned Development |
| R-1 - Single Family Residential |
| R-CL - Single Family Compact-Lot |
| R-SL - Residential Small Lot |
| R-TH - Single Family Attached |
| R-2 - Medium-Low Density Residential |
| R-3 - Medium Density Residential |
| R-4 - High Density Residential |
| R-5 - Apartment |
| R-MH - Mobile/Manufactured Home Residence |
| R-MHP - Residential Mobile/Manufactured Home Park |
| T3-N - T3 Neighborhood |
| T3-N-O - T3 Neigborhood Open |
| T4-C - T4 Corridor |
| T4-MS - T4 Main Street |
| T4-M - T4 Maker |
| T4-N - T4 Neighborhood |
| T5-N - T5 Neighborhood |
| T5-M - T5 Maker |
| T5-MS - T5 Main Street |
| T5-C - T5 Corridor |
| T6-UC - T6 Urban Core |
| T6-UG - T6 Urban Gerneral |
| T6-UG-L -T6 Urban General Limited |
| P-R - Professional Offices and Parking |
| P-O - Professional Office |
| N-S - Neighborhood Service |
| O - Office |
| C-D - Designed Commercial |
| C-1 - Limited Commercial |
| C-2 - General Commercial |
| C-PB - Planned Business Park |
| C-M - Commercial/Industrial |
| M - Industrial |
| C-V - Civic |
| P-C - Planned Community |
| T-D - Traditional Development |
| PD - Planned Development |
| T-C - Town Center |
Boulder City Zoning (7)
| A-1 |
| BC |
| C1 |
| C2 |
| CM |
| CO |
| ER |
| GFC |
| GM |
| GO |
| GP |
| H |
| ME |
| MP |
| R1-10; R1-15; R1-20; R1-7; R1-8; R1-80 |
| R2 |
| R3 |
| RV |
| S |
| SR |
| <all other values> |
Henderson Zoning (8)
| Downtown Residential |
| Downtown Mixed-Use |
| Downtown Public |
| Low-Density Single-Family Residential 1 (1 du / ac) |
| Low-Density Single-Family Residential 2 (2 du / ac) |
| Low-Density Single-Family Residential 4 (4 du / ac) |
| Low-Density Single-Family Residential 6 (6 du / ac) |
| Low-Density Single-Family Residential 8 (8 du / ac) |
| Medium-Density Residential 8 (8 du / ac) |
| Medium-Density Residential 10 (10 du / ac) |
| Medium-Density Residential 16 (16 du / ac) |
| High-Density Multifamily Residential 24 (24 du / ac) |
| High-Density Multifamily Residential 36 (36 du / ac) |
| Mobile Home Residential (8 du / ac) |
| Planned Community |
| Auto-Mall Commercial |
| Community Commercial |
| Highway Commercial |
| Mixed-Use Commercial |
| Neighborhood Commercial |
| Office Commercial |
| Tourist Commercial |
| Corridor/Community Mixed-Use |
| Neighborhood Mixed-Use |
| Regional Mixed-Use |
| General Industrial |
| Limited Industrial |
| Industrial Park |
| Public and Semipublic |
| Development Holding |
| No Zoning |
North Las Vegas Zoning (9)
| C-1 |
| C-1 MPC |
| C-2 |
| C-2 MPC |
| C-2 PCD |
| C-3 |
| C-P |
| C-P MPC |
| C/RC PCD |
| M-1 |
| M-2 |
| M-3 |
| MUD-C |
| MUD-N |
| O-L |
| O-L DA |
| PCD |
| PID |
| PSP |
| PUD |
| R-1 |
| R-1 MPC |
| R-1 PCD |
| R-2 |
| R-2 PCD |
| R-3 |
| R-3 MPC |
| R-3 PCD |
| R-4 |
| R-4 PCD |
| R-A DC |
| R-A PSP |
| R-A R-2 |
| R-A R-3 |
| R-CL |
| R-CL PCD |
| R-E |
| R-EL |
| RZ10 MPC |
| RZ13 MPC |
| RZ25 MPC |
| RZ50 MPC |
| RZ6 MPC |
Clark County Zoning (10)
| R-2 |
| H-1 |
| C-1 |
| R-E |
| R-3 |
| R-D |
| R-U |
| R-5 |
| R-4 |
| P-F |
| C-P |
| C-2 |
| CU |
| CN |
| AG |
| RS80 |
| RS40 |
| RS20 |
| RS10 |
| RS5.2 |
| RS3.3 |
| RS2 |
| RM18 |
| RM32 |
| RM50 |
| CP |
| CG |
| IP |
| IL |
| IH |
| OS |
| H-2 |
| PF |
| CC |
| CR |
| MLZ |
| R-1a |
| C-3 |
| CITY |
Mesquite PUDs (11)
Mesquite Zoning (12)
| Multi-Family High Density, |
| Agriculture, |
| Attached Housing, |
| Commercial Central Business District, |
| Commercial General, |
| Commercial Hospital Services, |
| Commercial Neighborhood, |
| Hotel/Tourist, |
| Industrial Heavy, |
| Industrial Light, |
| Land Reserve, |
| MOH, |
| Manufactured Housing, |
| Multi-Family High Density, |
| Multi-Family Low Density, |
| Multi-Family Medium Density, |
| Parks, Recreation and Open Space, |
| Planned Unit Development, |
| Planned Unit Development, Attached Housing |
| Planned Unit Development, Commercial General |
| Planned Unit Development, Commercial Neighborhood |
| Planned Unit Development, Housing |
| Planned Unit Development, Industrial Light |
| Planned Unit Development, Multi-Family High Density |
| Planned Unit Development, Multi-Family Low Density |
| Planned Unit Development, Multi-Family Medium Density |
| Planned Unit Development, Open Space |
| Planned Unit Development, Parks and Recreation |
| Planned Unit Development, Parks, Recreation and Open Space |
| Planned Unit Development, Professional/Business Office |
| Planned Unit Development, Public Facilities |
| Planned Unit Development, RV/Motor Home |
| Planned Unit Development, Single-Family Residential |
| Professional/Business Office, |
| Public Facilities, |
| RV/Motor Home, |
| Right-of-Way, |
| Right-of-Way, <Null> |
| Rural Estates, |
| Rural Ranch, |
| Rural Residential, |
| Single-Family Residential, |
| <all other values> |
PC Overlay (13)
CC Zoning Archive (14)
| C-1 |
| C-2 |
| C-3 |
| C-P |
| CITY |
| CRT |
| H-1 |
| H-2 |
| M-1 |
| M-2 |
| M-D |
| MLZ |
| O-S |
| P-F |
| R-1 |
| R-1a |
| R-2 |
| R-3 |
| R-4 |
| R-5 |
| R-A |
| R-D |
| R-E |
| R-T |
| R-U |
| R-V-P |
| RUD |
| T-C |
| U-V |