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snippet: This data was created by digitizing data using development plans, inspection reports, and field observation, to locate and identify drainage structures in the jurisdiction of Clark County. The Easements data set is a geographical representation of drainage and access easements mapped from official documents in Clark County. pwDrains - Locations and type of drains pwEasments - Provides the location, maintenance, and source of easements pwStudies - types: Drainage, Offsite, Traffic
summary: This data was created by digitizing data using development plans, inspection reports, and field observation, to locate and identify drainage structures in the jurisdiction of Clark County. The Easements data set is a geographical representation of drainage and access easements mapped from official documents in Clark County. pwDrains - Locations and type of drains pwEasments - Provides the location, maintenance, and source of easements pwStudies - types: Drainage, Offsite, Traffic
extent: [[-145.582616065997,35.0672621831547],[-85.5834473462077,89.9999910460488]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: PWSecureDataShare
type: Map Service
tags: ["Public Works","Drains","Easments","Studies"]
culture: en-US
name: PWSecureDataShare
guid: 1769A2BD-F01F-46D8-8B07-2D26BEA96B6B
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Nevada_East_FIPS_2701_Feet