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Selected Parcel: 162-31-504-010
Parcel Owner 1 Owner 2 Tax District Acres Doc Number Deed Date Comments
162-31-504-010 THOMAS PETROLEUM L L C 470 0.79 20091223:02872 12/23/2009
162-31-504-010 HAYCOCK PETROLEUM COMPANY 470 0.7900 20050408:04247 4/8/2005
162-31-504-010 HAYCOCK JOHN 470 0.7900 19980102:00257 1/2/1998 G-990514:2169
162-31-504-010 BODGE BRENDA JOYCE LIVING TRUST BODGE BRENDA JOYCE TRS 470 0.7900 19941102:01602 11/2/1994
162-31-504-010 BODGE BRENDA JOYCE LIV TR CROFF BERTHA TRS 470 0.7900 00000960:0919124 10/23/1978 1035:0994423;.16A TO RD 940325:1735
162-31-504-010 BODGE BRENDA JOYCE LIV TR CROFF BERTHA TRS 470 0.79 0960:0919124 10/23/1978 1035:0994423;.16A TO RD 940325:1735
1 Parent Parcel
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
0 140-790-018 1 WITMER BERTHA 0364:0323426 0.95
0 Child Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres