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Selected Parcel: 162-21-802-001
Parcel Owner 1 Owner 2 Tax District Acres Doc Number Deed Date Comments
162-21-802-001 UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS 470 8.52 20151224:00700 12/24/2015
162-21-802-001 REDUS A L K L L C 470 8.5200 20101018:02352 10/18/2010
162-21-802-001 ALKIMYA INVESTMENT L L C 470 8.5200 20050518:02254 5/18/2005 CC-20100204:2744
162-21-802-001 HUANG S W STEPHEN ETAL 470 8.5200 19980225:01157 2/25/1998 C-20050518:2246
162-21-802-001 HSU TIEN FU ETAL 470 8.5200 19920629:01695 6/29/1992 .26A TO RD 970522:1221;CC-970919:920
1 Parent Parcel
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
0 140-500-003 1 LUCKY LAND COMPANY ENTPRS ETAL 19880427:00693 8.78
0 Child Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres