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Selected Parcel: 420-020-023
Parcel Owner 1 Owner 2 Tax District Acres Doc Number Deed Date Comments
420-020-023 HEYER GEORGE 120 5.08 12:00:00 AM INITIAL
420-020-023 STONE M 125 2.31 19870318:01005 3/18/1987
420-020-023 STONE MARGARET & JOHN J 125 2.31 19870227:00160 2/27/1987
420-020-023 HEYER GEORGE 125 2.31 0196:0159339 4/29/1959 2.54 TO 33;.23 TO RD;580:539044
0 Parent Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
2 Child Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
1 420-020-033 1 BRENNER M S DEF PL ETAL 19931112:01445 2.12
1 164-06-701-013 0 CALDERON LIVING TRUST 20181012:01035 2.29