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Selected Parcel: 150-240-004
Parcel Owner 1 Owner 2 Tax District Acres Doc Number Deed Date Comments
150-240-004 SHUE LUTHER P 460 1.70 12:00:00 AM INITIAL
150-240-004 DILLON DENNIS L 470 0.77 19921113:00631 11/13/1992
150-240-004 DILLON DENNIS 470 0.77 19921015:00827 10/15/1992
150-240-004 DILLON DENNIS & LAURA 470 0.77 1662:1621245 12/17/1982
150-240-004 DOORN ROBERT J 470 0.77 1405:1364785 5/21/1981
150-240-004 OBRIEN LANCE 470 0.77 1228:1187875 5/19/1980
150-240-004 DOORN ROBERT 470 0.77 0961:0920293 10/25/1978
150-240-004 SHUE JAMES P ETAL 460 0.77 0615:0574739 4/23/1976 .37A TO 15-24-45;.53 TO 46
150-240-004 SHUE LUTHER P 460 1.70 0696:0559283 2/23/1966
0 Parent Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
3 Child Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
1 162-13-402-002 1 RILA ANTHONY J JR 20010705:01510 0.77
1 150-240-045 1 PERCIN MARY LOU 19860717:00053 0.37
1 150-240-046 1 DILLON DENNIS 19921015:00827 0.53