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Selected Parcel: 125-26-303-015
Parcel Owner 1 Owner 2 Tax District Acres Doc Number Deed Date Comments
125-26-303-015 LIU JERRY & ANN LS 200 1.77 20121003:02229 10/3/2012
125-26-303-015 RIDGWAY LIVING TRUST LINDSEY RANDALL TRS 200 1.7700 20120403:01660 4/3/2012
125-26-303-015 RIDGWAY LIVING TRUST RIDGWAY TERRY R TRS 200 1.7700 20090603:00925 6/3/2009
125-26-303-015 RIDGWAY TERRY R 200 1.7700 00000811:0770365 11/15/1977 13.33 TO 7-10,14-16;807:766783;W-915:874690
125-26-303-015 RIDGWAY TERRY R 200 1.77 0811:0770365 11/15/1977 13.33 TO 7-10,14-16;807:766783;W-915:874690
1 Parent Parcel
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
0 01C-100-001 9 COOK FANNINE 0800:0759051 1.77
0 Child Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres