feet from Parcel
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Parcel | Document Number | Date | Price | Distance | Type | Land Use |
177-03-413-014 | 20240328:02779 | 3/28/2024 | $17,249,500 | 856 | R | Commercial |
177-03-413-013 | 20240306:02930 | 3/6/2024 | $614,109 | 535 | R | Commercial |
177-10-510-001 | 20240102:00812 | 1/2/2024 | $420,000 | 572 | R | Residential |
177-03-802-011 | 20231026:00546 | 10/26/2023 | $570,000 | 946 | R | Commercial |
177-10-510-008 | 20230913:01624 | 9/13/2023 | $536,000 | 967 | R | Residential |
177-03-816-007 | 20221003:01413 | 10/3/2022 | $17,805,000 | 0 | R | Commercial |
177-10-510-015 | 20220107:02037 | 1/7/2022 | $530,000 | 747 | R | Residential |
177-10-512-001 | 20210831:03057 | 8/31/2021 | $420,000 | 990 | R | Residential |
177-10-511-044 | 20190729:01739 | 7/29/2019 | $325,000 | 850 | R | Residential |
177-10-511-002 | 20190422:00977 | 4/22/2019 | $355,000 | 808 | R | Residential |
177-10-511-004 | 20190401:01499 | 4/1/2019 | $310,000 | 698 | R | Residential |
177-10-510-004 | 20180508:01864 | 5/8/2018 | $360,000 | 804 | R | Residential |
177-10-511-045 | 20170414:02779 | 4/14/2017 | $261,500 | 917 | R | Residential |
177-10-510-012 | 20160707:02019 | 7/7/2016 | $270,000 | 684 | R | Residential |
177-10-111-026 | 20160322:00773 | 3/22/2016 | $275,000 | 824 | F | Residential |
177-10-111-001 | 20150828:04902 | 8/28/2015 | $245,500 | 635 | R | Residential |
177-10-510-003 | 20150331:03304 | 3/31/2015 | $232,000 | 731 | R | Residential |
177-10-511-006 | 20140530:03936 | 5/30/2014 | $240,000 | 619 | R | Residential |
177-10-510-002 | 20131007:00900 | 10/7/2013 | $140,000 | 653 | R | Residential |
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All distances are in feet. Maximum search limit is 2,640 feet.