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Selected Parcel: 161-19-303-016
Parcel Owner 1 Owner 2 Tax District Acres Doc Number Deed Date Comments
161-19-303-016 HARPER JANET S & DICK B HARPER PARKER 470 0.59 20240920:01249 9/20/2024
161-19-303-016 GUNDY MICHELLE L 470 0.5900 20181010:01965 10/10/2018
161-19-303-016 LAYNE WENDY PATRICK TRUST LAYNE GAYLE TRS 470 0.5900 20171201:02888 12/1/2017
161-19-303-016 LAYNE WENDY PATRICK TRUST LAYNE WENDY PATRICK TRS 470 0.5900 20110804:04059 8/4/2011
161-19-303-016 LAYNE WENDY P 470 0.5900 00001970:1929332 8/9/1984 .16A TO RD 1918:1877719
161-19-303-016 LAYNE WENDY P 470 0.59 1970:1929332 8/9/1984 .16A TO RD 1918:1877719
1 Parent Parcel
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
0 170-250-014 1 LAYNE WENDY P 1970:1929332 0.75
0 Child Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres