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Selected Parcel: 162-33-201-004
Parcel Owner 1 Owner 2 Tax District Acres Doc Number Deed Date Comments
162-33-201-004 COUNTY OF CLARK(AVIATION) SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPRT NV LEASE 470 70.9100 00000055:0281076 3/26/1948 CF 51-2011
162-33-201-004 COUNTY OF CLARK(AVIATION) SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPRT NV LEASE 470 70.91 0055:0281076 3/26/1948 FR 162-33-201-001,002;PT-19890120:357
2 Parent Parcels
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
1 162-33-201-001 1 COUNTY OF CLARK(AVIATION) 0055:0281076 6.18
1 162-33-201-002 1 COUNTY OF CLARK(AVIATION) 19890120:00357 64.73
1 Child Parcel
Parent Count Parcel Child Count Owner 1 Doc Number Acres
4 162-33-201-005 7 COUNTY OF CLARK(AVIATION) 19890120:00357 155.5500