feet from Parcel
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Parcel | Document Number | Date | Price | Distance | Type | Land Use |
202-26-703-011 | 20230601:01980 | 6/1/2023 | $200,000 | 995 | R | Vacant |
202-26-703-002 | 20230509:00006 | 5/9/2023 | $255,000 | 734 | R | Residential |
202-26-610-095 | 20210226:02808 | 2/26/2021 | $100,000 | 868 | R | Residential |
202-26-701-001 | 20190903:00030 | 9/3/2019 | $100,000 | 0 | R | Minor Imps |
202-26-610-093 | 20190319:01964 | 3/19/2019 | $83,000 | 604 | R | Vacant |
202-26-610-114 | 20151221:01227 | 12/21/2015 | $23,000 | 766 | R | Vacant |
202-26-610-076 | 20150928:02369 | 9/28/2015 | $5,000 | 799 | R | Vacant |
202-26-610-094 | 20150928:02371 | 9/28/2015 | $5,000 | 677 | R | Vacant |
202-26-610-113 | 20150928:02372 | 9/28/2015 | $12,000 | 502 | R | Residential |
202-26-610-128 | 20150521:01798 | 5/21/2015 | $12,000 | 633 | R | Vacant |
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All distances are in feet. Maximum search limit is 2,640 feet.