feet from Parcel
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Parcel | Document Number | Date | Price | Distance | Type | Land Use |
174-20-301-021 | 20240510:00909 | 5/10/2024 | $950,000 | 313 | R | Minor Imps |
174-20-301-011 | 20240130:00804 | 1/30/2024 | $1,478,000 | 812 | R | Residential |
174-20-301-022 | 20231012:01236 | 10/12/2023 | $1,995,000 | 354 | R | Residential |
174-20-301-018 | 20230608:00757 | 6/8/2023 | $1,200,000 | 273 | R | Residential |
174-20-301-008 | 20230110:01012 | 1/10/2023 | $875,000 | 616 | R | Residential |
174-20-301-020 | 20221026:01617 | 10/26/2022 | $1,600,000 | 696 | R | Residential |
174-20-301-013 | 20200127:02082 | 1/27/2020 | $475,000 | 359 | R | Residential |
174-20-301-003 | 20190313:01679 | 3/13/2019 | $573,000 | 828 | R | Residential |
174-20-402-001 | 20190220:01929 | 2/20/2019 | $35,000 | 841 | R | Vacant |
174-20-302-002 | 20160411:01718 | 4/11/2016 | $175,000 | 459 | R | Vacant |
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All distances are in feet. Maximum search limit is 2,640 feet.