feet from Parcel
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Parcel | Document Number | Date | Price | Distance | Type | Land Use |
161-33-401-015 | 20230328:02061 | 3/28/2023 | $5,400,000 | 644 | R | Vacant |
161-32-810-011 | 20210831:02730 | 8/31/2021 | $2,000,000 | 666 | R | Commercial |
161-32-810-041 | 20200312:00789 | 3/12/2020 | $5,311,177 | 346 | R | Industrial |
161-32-810-005 | 20160802:03309 | 8/2/2016 | $1,350,000 | 971 | R | Commercial |
161-32-810-040 | 20160119:02393 | 1/19/2016 | $1,500,000 | 473 | R | Industrial |
161-33-401-005 | 20121218:01740 | 1/8/2016 | $80,000 | 378 | R | Vacant |
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All distances are in feet. Maximum search limit is 2,640 feet.