feet from Parcel
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Parcel | Document Number | Date | Price | Distance | Type | Land Use |
041-35-801-010 | 20240308:01392 | 3/8/2024 | $125,000 | 981 | R | Vacant |
041-36-401-019 | 20221212:01528 | 12/12/2022 | $325,000 | 683 | R | Residential |
041-35-801-017 | 20220118:01916 | 1/18/2022 | $15,000 | 309 | R | Vacant |
070-02-501-006 | 20220114:02549 | 1/14/2022 | $120,000 | 765 | R | Residential |
041-35-801-016 | 20211223:03460 | 12/23/2021 | $750,000 | 415 | R | Residential |
041-36-401-020 | 20210722:01053 | 7/22/2021 | $277,500 | 387 | R | Residential |
041-35-801-011 | 20200305:00004 | 3/5/2020 | $45,000 | 671 | R | Vacant |
041-35-801-018 | 20200113:02069 | 1/13/2020 | $625,000 | 299 | R | Residential |
041-36-401-004 | 20191031:02115 | 10/31/2019 | $260,000 | 785 | R | Residential |
041-35-801-012 | 20180327:02800 | 3/27/2018 | $52,500 | 726 | R | Residential |
041-35-801-008 | 20170920:01956 | 9/20/2017 | $157,300 | 930 | R | Residential |
041-36-401-017 | 20151218:03451 | 12/18/2015 | $164,000 | 495 | R | Residential |
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All distances are in feet. Maximum search limit is 2,640 feet.