The imaged documents
are for viewing and reference only and not to be used as certified
copies. All of the documents may not be available. These documents
are for Assessment
purposes only. The quality of some of the images may vary based
on the originating
document (i.e. hand drawn sketch or a microfilmed image).
As additional sketches, deeds or maps become available, the Assessor's
Office will make
them available online.
If needed, detailed instructions are available to assist with
completing a search in each
of the categories. To review the instructions, please click on
deeds, building sketches, or
maps located at the top right under detailed instructions.
In order to view the documents you will need to have Adobe Reader
installed on your
computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, please click
here to download
the free program. If you already have Adobe Reader installed,
please proceed.